Annual Charity Golf Tournament
The Township of Brock is proud to present our 26th annual charity golf tournament at Cedarhurst Golf Club in Beaverton on Thursday, June 19, 2025. All proceeds from this 2025 fundraising event will be used to assist non-profit organizations in completing quality community and youth-oriented projects and programs. Over the past 25 years of this tournament, participants have raised almost $260,000 for this great cause.
Registration opens April 1, 2025.
We are always in need of tournament sponsors and prize donations. Any company or organization wishing to support our cause should refer to the Sponsorship Opportunities and Donations information below or give us a call. No contribution is considered too small and all donations would be appreciated prior to the tournament date.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at
Located on the edge of the Greater Toronto Area near Beaverton ON, Cedarhurst Golf Club offers the golfer something that is relatively rare today - a challenging golf course at affordable rates. Designed by Stanley Thompson and Bert Turcotte, Cedarhurst is semi-private facility that has matured gracefully from its early beginning back in 1922 into a very competitive track; three lined fairways, target greens in water hazards that will put your game to the test.
Cedarhurst prides itself on a friendly atmosphere where competitive golf can still be played in seven hours. We invite you to accept the challenge and to make Cedarhurst one of your golfing destinations this season.
About the Tournament |
The rural lifestyle that Brock residents enjoy does not provide the facilities and entertainment for our youth that large city centers can. It is hoped that charity events such as this will allow the Township of Brock to provide funding for quality activities for our youth.
The past 25 years of this event have been a tremendous success with tournament proceeds of over $250,000.00 These funds have been distributed to and matched by local non-profit organizations resulting in projects exceeding $500,000.00 for completion in the community. Grants have been awarded to youth organizations offering projects ranging from bowling, skateboard parks, curling, ice skating, running & fitness equipment, playground equipment, youth theatre and uniforms for a variety of teams and groups. We are hopeful that your generosity will help to make this year’s tournament a huge success and allow us to find even more quality youth projects in our area. For further information on how to make a project submission please read the application criteria. |
Sponsorship Opportunities and Donations |
In order for our tournament to be successful, we need support from businesses and community organizations in the form of sponsorships and donations. No contribution is considered too small. Payment for Sponsorship Opportunities can be made online. Premium Level $2,500
Cart Sponsor $2,000 (Only 2 spots available!)
Secondary Level $1,500
On-Course Contests, Games, Activities and Prizes *New
Hole Sponsorship - $250
Prize / Cash Donations
To inquire about or discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact or by telephone at (705) 432-2355 ext. 238 |
Charity Golf Tournament Funding Application |
On an annual basis, community organizations are invited to submit an application for proceeds raised at the charity golf tournament. Stay tuned for application dates for funds raised at the 2025 tournament.
Applications must include specific details regarding estimated costs of the project/initiative, other fund-raising efforts to facilitate the project, expected completion dates and the expected benefits for the program participants and the community. All applications for funding must adhere to the following criteria:
Programs not eligible
Given that the proceeds may fluctuate from year to year, not all projects will be able to be funded. The Township shall at its sole discretion approve the applications. |