The Township of Brock provides a variety of programs and services to Brock residents.
As the senior appointed official of the Township of Brock, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is responsible, under the direction of Council to implement Council's programs and directives. The CAO is the main policy advisor to Council on municipal matters. The CAO directs the development of the operating and capital budgets, work programs and standards to ensure the delivery of high quality services in a timely, responsible and cost-effective manner and is directly responsible for the following:
- Personnel and Human Resources
- Liaison with other levels of government and agencies on matters affecting the Municipality
- Economic Development
Direct reports to the CAO include:
- Treasurer
- Director of Public Works (Roads, Sewer, Water, Waste Water, Recreation and Facilities)
- Municipal Clerk
- Fire Chief (Emergency Services)
The Municipal Clerk has designated responsibilities defined by legislation and prepares Council and Committee meeting agendas. The Clerk is responsible to attend meetings of Council and Committees to accurately record decisions made. All minutes of Council and Committees, together with original resolutions and by-laws, are indexed and kept permanently. Members of the public are welcome to review minutes which have been approved by Council at the municipal office or on-line.
The Clerk's Department is also responsible for accessibility, planning, economic development and tourism activities, planning and development, and the issuance of municipal licenses and permits.
The Clerk's Department is also responsible for accessibility, planning, economic development and tourism activities, planning and development, and the issuance of municipal licenses and permits.
The By-law Enforcement and Animal Control Division is responsible for enforcing a range of Township by-law requirements and animal control. The by-law enforcement office is responsible for enforcing all municipal by-laws enacted by Council. By-law enforcement is undertaken following a written complaint received from the public or on receipt of specific Council direction.
The Treasury Department is responsible for the overall financial health of the municipality. Functions include tax billing and collection, investing and borrowing of municipal funds, budget preparation, financial reporting, payroll, general accounting, accounts payable, and accounts receivable.
The Public Works Department is responsible for road construction and maintenance, snow removal on roads and sidewalks, vehicle fleet, sidewalk construction, maintenance of streetlights, and parks and facilities maintenance.
The Development Services Department is responsible for ensuring that building activities adhere to the Ontario Building Code and Municipal by-laws. The Building Department issues building permits and assists with planning and development inquiries.
The Fire Department provides incident response services for fire and other emergency situations as well as fire prevention programming activities.
The Township of Brock's Recreation Department manages recreational activities and programs in the community, including:
- Camp programs
- Fitness programs
- Skating programs