Farm fires can cause serious loss to buildings, livestock, vehicles and equipment. Create a farm fire safety plan to help prevent fires on your farm property.
Farm Fire Safety Self-Assessment
Complete the Farm Fire Safety Self-Assessment and submit it by email. We will review your assessment and schedule a visit to your property. We will work with you to create a farm safety plan for your farm. Review our Farm Safety Program Guide for more information.
Fire safety plans
A farm safety plan may include:
- In-person assessment
- Fire pre-planning
- Water supply assessment
- Owner/operator/employee training
- Fire drill scenarios
- Livestock evaluation planning
- Fire safety checklist
- Farm safety for kids
Fire prevention tips
Take actions to reduce the chance of a fire by following these tips:
- Do not allow smoking in or around barns or near any flammable farm materials
- Situate manure piles at least 10 m away from barns to reduce the chance of fires
- Ensure hay and straw are properly dried before storing in the barn
- Keep dust and cobwebs to a minimum
- Regularly check all appliances, wiring, electrical equipment and heat-producing materials to ensure everything is safe and in working order
- Repair/replace any frayed or damaged wiring as soon as you identify a hazard
- Never refuel engines inside a building or while the engine is running or hot
- Extension cords should only be used temporarily and should be removed after use