Exotic Animals
The Township of Brock is home to many different types of pets and companion animals. Before purchasing an exotic pet, such as a lizard, spider or snake, review our Exotic Animal By-law.
The Exotic Animal By-law regulates the treatment and captivity of exotic animals, wild animals and livestock, this includes prohibited animals.
Prohibited Animal Licences
If you would like to keep a prohibited animal, you can apply for a prohibited animal licence. Please complete the Prohibited Animal Application form. You need to demonstrate that you meet the full criteria for keeping prohibited pets in the Exotic Animal By-law.
The following licensing fees apply:
- $303 for a new prohibited animal licence
- $212.60 for a prohibited animal licence renewal
Prohibited Animals |
View Schedule A of the Exotic Animal By-law for a full list of prohibited animals in the Township of Brock. MammalsAll mammals are restricted except for domestic:
The following domestic livestock are allowed on properties in a rural zone:
ReptilesAll reptiles are restricted except for:
AmphibiansAll amphibians are restricted except for:
BirdsAll birds are restricted except for the following livestock birds:
The following birds are allowed as household pets:
InsectsAll insects are restricted except for non-venomous spiders and centipedes. You can also keep honeybees. Salt and Fresh Water OrganismsAll venomous vertebrates and invertebrates are prohibited. Any other salt or fresh water organism is allowed. |
Keeping Wildlife
You can't keep, harbour, maintain or possess wildlife in the Township of Brock. This includes temporarily or permanently.