September is National Hunger Action Month a time to give and help those in need. Hunger is an important issue that affects residents from across our region.
That’s why, this month, The Township of Brock, the Region of Durham and all area municipalities are working to collect food in all the Region of Durham.
Lets show the Region of Durham what we’re made of and join in this worthy challenge.
Hunger is an important issue that affects individuals, seniors, and families throughout the Region. As Durham Region continues to rapidly grow and food prices increase, more people are experiencing homelessness and/or using food banks and related services than ever before. Feed the Need in Durham, which distributes food to local food banks and hunger relief programs, has seen the number of people accessing their services double over the past three years, reaching 10,000 clients per month. The Region and area municipalities are taking action to address this need in the community.
From September 3 to 27, there will be numerous drop-off locations located throughout Brock, making it easy for residents, businesses and community groups to drop off non-perishable food items.
Donations can be dropped off at;
Municipal Administration Building, Cannington 8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
Brock Libraries - Beaverton, Cannington and Sunderland
Sunderland Fire Hall
Brock Arenas - Beaverton, Cannington and Sunderland (in late September)
To donate to the Brock Community Food Bank (Beaverton and Sunderland locations) go to:
To donate to the Nourish and Develop Foundation (Cannington) go to:
Consider Leveraging your impact by Donating Online:
Brock Community Food Bank - Beaverton & Sunderland | The Nourish And Develop Foundation - Cannington |
Brock Community Food Bank E-Transfer: Remember to use Brock Beats Hunger in the subject heading |
The Nourish and Development Foundation Online Donation: Remember to use Brock Beats Hunger in the message section |