The Township of Brocks By-law Enforcement Policy
The Township of Brock has a new By-law Enforcement Policy that establishes procedures for submitting, receiving, and dealing with complaints in the Township. The goal of this policy is to make the Township of Brock a great place to live, work and play.
This policy is in place to promote safety, create standards to support good neighbour interactions and prevent behaviours that undermine the quality of life in our community.
How to Submit a By-law complaint:
- All by-law complaints are required to be submitted in writing by way of the prescribed complaint form found online on the homepage of the Township website under the “REPORT AN ISSUE” tab. All by-law complaints will be submitted and tracked through the on-line system.
- If a complainant is unable to submit the complaint on-line then staff may receive the complaint via written letter, email, telephone, or in person subject to the complainant acknowledging that staff will fill out the By-law complaint form on their behalf with the information provided and with the understanding that the complainant may be summoned to testify before a court or tribunal.
- Complainants shall provide their full name, their address, contact information and a detailed description of the infraction/complaint. Any supporting evidence such as pictures or videos may be uploaded along with the on-line complaint form and may be used as evidence in any prosecution. All noise complaints must be accompanied by the required noise log found on-line.
- A complainant’s identity shall be kept confidential.
- Incomplete or anonymous complaints will not be accepted, and no investigation will be conducted.
- All complaints will be processed in priority of the “Service Levels” as set out in the policy.
By-law Enforcement Officers will acknowledge the receipt of a valid by-law complaint to the complainant within 2 business days.